Setup of the plugin

1. Plugin installation

  • Download the mame-qr-bill-woocommerce-[version].zip file from your account.
  • In the WordPress backend on the “Plugins > Add New” page, click on the “Upload Plugin” button at the top and upload the ZIP file (not the unzipped folder).
  • Activate the plugin under “Plugins > Installed Plugins”.


2. Activate license

Go to “QR-Bill > Settings” and enter the license key that you received by email when you purchased the plugin. You can view the license at any time in your account. Then click on the “Activate” button.


3. Enter bank account details

In the “Bank account” section on the “QR-Bill > Settings” page, at least the IBAN as well as the account holder and address must be entered so that QR-Bills can be created.

If QR-bills are to be created with a reference number, the QR-IBAN must also be entered. If you don’t have a QR-IBAN for your account yet, you can contact the bank to get a QR-IBAN.

The BESR ID field is optional. Certain banks recommend using the previous BESR-ID from ISR payment slips (if available) for the first 6 digits of the QR reference.


4. Activate payment method

Activate the payment method “QR Bill” under “WooCommerce > Settings > Payments” so that the payment method is displayed at the checkout.


5. Configure API connection

The API connection is used to use functions such as updating the status of QR-bills based on credits to your own bank account or for QR-bill payments via TWINT.

The credentials for the mame API and for your account at can be found shortly after purchasing the plugin in your account at under “API access data”.

After entering Username, Password, Client ID and Client Secret, you can click “Connect” to setup the connection to the API. You can find the webhook key for the field below in your mamedev App account by selecting “Profile” in the dropdown at the top right. If there is no key yet, you can click on “Generate new key”.

You can find the setup for the available services on the following pages: