2. Track shipments of WooCommerce orders
1. Add tracking numbers
1.1 Define tracking number providers (sources)
In order to be able to automatically track shipments, you must first specify from which sources the plugin should read tracking numbers.
Several tracking numbers can exist for each WooCommerce order and be tracked at the same time. In the WordPress backend, one or more sources for tracking numbers can be selected under “Track Consignments > Settings” in the “Tracking number providers” field.
The following sources are available:
- mame Track Consignments for WooCommerce: These are tracking numbers added manually (by this plugin). In the order edit screen of a WooCommerce order, tracking numbers can be added manually under “Swiss Post Shipment Tracking”.
- mame Barcode for WooCommerce: If the Barcode for WooCommerce plugin is installed and activated, tracking numbers of created labels can be tracked automatically.
- mame WebStamp for WooCommerce: If the WebStamp for WooCommerce plugin is installed and activated, tracking numbers of created stamps (if any) can be tracked automatically.
- WooCommerce Shipment Tracking: Tracking numbers added to WooCommerce Shipment Tracking with “Swiss Post” as provider.
The providers can be ordered by drag-and-drop. This has an impact on the automatic execution of actions on event codes of a shipment. Actions can be defined in the Actions tab (see 3. Define actions for shipment events).
1.2 Add tracking numbers manually
To add tracking numbers to an order manually, you can enter a tracking number in the “Add tracking number” field in the meta box “Track Consignments (Swiss Post)” on the edit screen of an order (WooCommerce > Orders > [Order]) and click on the button. The status of the shipment is automatically checked when it is added and the events are listed.
2. Update tracking status
The tracking status of a shipment can be updated both manually and automatically at regular intervals.
2.1 Check shipment status manually
In the edit screen of an order (WooCommerce > Orders > [Order]) all added tracking numbers and the associated events are listed under “Track Consignments (Swiss Post)”. The tracking status and the events of shipments of a WooCommerce order can be updated by clicking on the “Update events” button (see image above).
In the order overview, the tracking status of several WooCommerce orders can be updated at once by selecting the relevant orders (activating the checkbox) and then selecting and executing the action “Update Swiss Post tracking status” in the “Bulk actions” dropdown.
2.2 Sendungsstatus automatisch aktualisieren
Under “Track Consignments > Settings” select which orders should be updated in the background in order to automatically periodically retrieve and save the tracking status of shipments linked to WooCommerce orders. It is important to limit the number of orders to be checked in terms of time and order status in such a way that the number of requests is limited and the performance of the website does not suffer.
Multiple WooCommerce statuses can be selected in the “Check for statuses” field. Only WooCommerce orders with one of the selected statuses will be checked by tracking number and the corresponding tracking numbers will be updated and defined actions will be called.
In the “Maximum number of days in the past for tracking status check” field, you can define how old orders may be (in days) so that the tracking status of linked shipment numbers is checked and updated.