2. Setting up the plugin
2.1 Settings in the WebStamp account
Log into the backend of your Swiss Post (WebStamp) account.
- Production account: https://account.post.ch
Start the WebService WebStamp and go to “WebStamp settings > WebService WebStamp”. There you will find your Customer ID and you can set a new password. You will need these two credentials for the setup of the plugin.
2.2 Settings in the WordPress backend
Log into the backend of your WordPress website and go to “WebStamp > Settings”.
2.2.1 Main Settings
These settings are necessary to use the stamp editor.
License key
Enter the license key for the plugin “WebStamp for WooCommerce” to receive updates and support for the plugin. Then click “activate”.
An activation of a license may fail for the following reasons:
- The limit of the number of websites the license can be activated for is reached or the license is used for another domain. You can manage your license and remove websites from the license in your account at mamedev.ch.
- The license has expired. Visit mamedev.ch and renew your license or buy a new license.
Choose production to connect it to a production account and test to connect your website to a WebStamp test account. For the (optional) test account a separate integration contract with Swiss Post is required.
Customer type
This setting depends on the contract with Swiss Post. Only choose “Business customer” if you have a business contract with the Swiss Post.
User ID
The customer ID can be found in the backend of your Swiss Post (WebStamp) account on the page “WebStamp settings > WebService WebStamp”.
The password can be changed in the backend of your Swiss Post (WebStamp) account on the page “WebStamp settings > WebService WebStamp”.
Load WebStamp data
After you filled in and saved the settings above a button will appear to load product data from the WebStamp servers and save it in your database. This step is required to use the stamp editor.
2.2.2 Address
Here you can set the standard sender address to be used on stamps.
2.2.3 Stamp settings
Here you can upload a standard image to be used on stamps.
Stamp file type
There are two file formats available: PDF and PNG. Choose PNG if you want to integrate stamps into other documents (e.g. packing slips). If PDF is selected you can select media type (e.g. letter, label) and media in the editor
Single PDF file
This option is only available if the format PDF is selected in the “Stamp file type” field above.
If this checkbox is activated all stamps of a WebStamp order are saved in one PDF file (e.g. for bulk orders). Otherwise one file will be created per stamp.
Automatically open print dialog
If this option is checked the print dialog will automatically be opened after a WebStamp order.
2.2.4 Template settings
Directly jump to order confirmation screen on template load?
When loading a template (via the editor or a WooCommerce email) this option will automatically redirect to the last order step to complete the order with one click.
2.2.5 WooCommerce settings
For the settings “Automatically create stamps”, “Attach automatically created stamps to email” and “Template rules” please read the documentation on the following page:
Automatically create stamps for WooCommerce orders
Template links in emails
Select templates from the list of saved templates to include links into WooCommerce order confirmation emails (to admins) to load the templates directly.
Tracking code links in emails
Select if the tracking codes with links should be included into order confirmation emails for customers.
Field assignments
The field assignments can be used to assign WooCommerce checkout fields to WebStamp fields. Additional custom fields, e.g. added by a plugin, can also be selected.
The assignment can be used to automatically load addresses of a WooCommerce order intoWebStamp fields using a template. Which address should be loaded can be determined individually for each template under “WebStamp > Templates”. In order to load your own assignment, you have to select the “Custom assignment” option in the “Recipient: load WooCommerce address” field in the template settings.
2.2.6 Cash on delivery account details
If you want to create stamps that are sent with cash on delivery you will have to fill in the following settings.